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SUNY’s Got Your Back
Elizabeth Brady
Founding Director
SUNY’s Got Your Back

Social media helps us raise excitement for our events and to engage students and community members in a positive way. We display our social media wall at SUNY’s Got Your Back assembly events and conferences. Students and community members post photos and messages which are then rotated on the screens. This helps our attendees engage individually and collectively with the program in real-time.

Creative Center of America
Melanie Geiss
Director of Integrated Social Media Strategies
Creative Center of America

Creative Center of America created the social wall with the hashtags #MentalHealthKC and #MHKC19 so that hope could be amplified, and help could be more easily found by anyone struggling with the challenges of mental illness. We displayed the social wall on a 50-inch TV screen in the high-traffic, registration check-in area at the conference. Cerner also embedded our wall in the app for the event that was used by conference attendees.

Tanvi Manchanda
Events Marketing Manager

The experience was new for many of our attendees and thoroughly enjoyed by everyone! Our partnership with has been so helpful for us in making attendees a part of our event and hosting the kind of event experiences everyone deserves. The event really wouldn’t have had as big an impact without you.